A dog has become a footvolley star in Brazil

Today, 02:56

A three-year-old dog named Floki has become an internet sensation in Rio de Janeiro. He plays footvolley, a sport that combines beach volleyball and football.

The main difference between footvolley and classic beach volleyball is that players cannot use their hands, and the volleyball is replaced with a football.

Floki's owner, 26-year-old Gustavo Rodrigues, works as a footvolley coach, but, according to him, he did not intend to make a sports star out of his pet. The Brazilian said that at the age of two months, Floki began jumping for balloons, and later learned to play altinha, a Brazilian football.

"He can do things that even some professionals cannot do, such as positioning himself well on the court. Sometimes the ball flies from one side to the other, and Floki does not stand with his back to it. "He turns towards the ball and always hits it straight," Rodriguez shared.

Videos of the four-legged friend have started to gain popularity online, and now various brands are offering Rodriguez and his pet cooperation. Floki even managed to play with professional Brazilian athlete Natalia Gitler, who is considered the "queen of footvolley."

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