A puma grabbed a 5-year-old boy and dragged him into the forest (4 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 19:16

On September 1, the boy and his family went on a picnic to Malibu Creek National Park, California, USA. While the parents were setting the table, a mountain lion snuck up on the children and sank its teeth into the child's head.

The predator grabbed the boy and dragged him into the forest.

"She was huge. The mountain lion wasn't afraid of anyone," the victim's aunt said.

At the time of the attack, there were about 40 people at the picnic area. The father rushed to save his son and beat him off the beast with his bare hands.

The woman added: "Someone yelled the child's name and the father ran. He grabbed the mountain lion, started fighting, and then it let go of the boy."

The victim was airlifted to a medical center. He has serious cuts and eye damage, but his life is out of danger.

Rangers arrived and found the cougar nearby, climbing up a tree.

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife said the cougar was a danger to the public, so it was shot. DNA from the animal matched samples taken from the boy's wounds and clothing, confirming that the rangers were right.


The statement reads: "California State Park Rangers and Los Angeles County Sheriff's Deputies responded to a report of a mountain lion attack at Malibu Creek State Park on Sunday, September 1, at 4:21 p.m. A Woodland Hills family of at least six adults and several children were having a picnic. The children were playing near a table when the mountain lion attacked the 5-year-old boy, causing serious but non-life-threatening injuries. One or more adults charged the lion, which released the child. Several witnesses saw the animal climb a tree."

"The cougar remained in the tree until rangers arrived. After consulting with CDFW Wildlife staff, they deemed it a public safety risk and a ranger euthanized it with a gunshot. As per standard protocol, staff collected evidence samples from the victim's wounds. The CDFW Forensic Science Lab in Sacramento confirmed a DNA match between the samples."

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