In China, the director of a kindergarten was fired, who accepted a gift from a child for $1 (3 photos)

Category: Children, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 19:16

The justification for her dismissal claims that the woman violated a Ministry of Education rule that prohibits teachers from accepting gifts or money from students or their parents.

A kindergarten principal in China, identified in this story as Wang, has been fired for accepting a small box of chocolates worth $1 from a student. Security footage from the school's security cameras captured the boy handing a plastic bag containing the box of chocolates to the woman, who was sitting at the front of the room with another teacher.

The principal of Sanxia Kindergarten in Chongqing, southwest China, has filed a lawsuit against her former employer after she was fired in September last year.

It is reportedly common practice for students in China to send gifts or greeting cards to their teachers ahead of the annual Teachers' Day, which falls on September 10.

The filing for her dismissal claims that Wang violated an Education Ministry rule that prohibits teachers from accepting gifts or money from students or their parents.

In March this year, a court ruled that the kindergarten had fired the principal illegally and ordered her to be compensated. After an appeal, the original verdict was upheld.

Wang's dismissal became a trending topic on social media, with the kindergarten principal showered with compliments and words of support.

"How funny! She was fired for accepting a gift worth only six yuan?" one participant wondered.

Another added: "As a teacher, I feel bitterly disappointed. The punishment was too severe."

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