A drunken repeat offender stole a coffin with human remains in the US (3 photos)

Yesterday, 19:16

A woman who stole a coffin with human remains inside from a funeral home has been arrested in Las Vegas, USA.

The incident occurred late at night when a passerby noticed a man lying near the funeral home with no signs of life and a coffin standing nearby. The police were called, reviewed the footage from surveillance cameras and found that an unknown woman had broken the window of the funeral home's front door, entered inside and carried out the coffin.

The suspect was apprehended. She turned out to be Patricia Sierra. During interrogation, she admitted that she was intoxicated at the time of the crime.

Sierra explained that she did not want to harm anyone. However, the investigation revealed that she had previously committed similar crimes, breaking windows and breaking into various establishments.

Sierra's court hearing is scheduled for September 18. She has been charged with burglary and abuse of human remains.

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