A 25-year-old American said that when he is bored, he breaks into a car wash in Montenegro and turns on the brushes there (3 photos)

Yesterday, 19:16

Montenegro car wash owners are on edge.

American Andy Andreas said on Twitter that 12 years ago (when he was 13) he used the Shodan search engine (which finds devices connected to the Internet) to connect to a small car wash in Montenegro and now sometimes, out of boredom, runs the brushes there via remote access.

“It makes me feel alive again,” he writes on his blog.

Twitter users have assessed the level of melancholy of the young programmer. His tweet has received thousands of views and comments. Users have suggested that he see a psychologist and undergo a psychotherapy session. Andy himself states on his page that he doesn't get sad that often, and besides, he feels sorry for the car wash workers who might be afraid of the brushes turning on suddenly.

As we know, the Internet remembers everything. It turns out that Andy is not just a bored guy. He is a young developer who learned programming at the age of 9.

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