National Guardsmen from the Kara-Dag Brigade stole a serviceable T-72 tank from the occupiers

10 September 2024
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Soldiers of the 15th Brigade of the National Guard "Kara-Dag" stole a Russian tank in the Pokrovsk direction and destroyed the crew of the enemy armored vehicle.

As reported by Censor.NET, the occupiers left the armored vehicle to block the passage under the railway bridge. A video recording of the trophying of the tank and the elimination of the tankers-occupiers was published on social networks.

"After the redeployment from the Zaporizhia region to the Pokrovsk direction, the soldiers of the 15th operational brigade "Kara-Dag" of the National Guard again pulled off their signature trick. Our soldiers stole a Russian T-72 tank in a chic style near Selidovo - on the move and in very good condition. The tank was left by the enemy under the bridge to block the road, and its crew was "unraveled" by Ukrainian drone operators," the author of the publication notes in the commentary.

Attention! Profanity!

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