British sperm donor impregnated more than 180 women, but can't find a partner (4 photos + 1 video)

Category: Children, PEGI 16
Yesterday, 16:59

A British sperm donor who has impregnated around 200 women around the world has admitted he is struggling to find a partner. “I have impregnated over 180 women but for some reason I am still single,” he says.

Known as ‘Donor Joe’, the 51-year-old from Newcastle says his years of sperm donation have made women jealous.

"It's really hard to find someone who can live with this lifestyle," says Joe. He explains that women want a man to dedicate himself to having a child, and he has too many.

Despite the fact that Joe receives no payment for his services, he travels the world helping women conceive. Why is this possible? Because more and more women are turning to private sperm donors to avoid expensive IVF procedures.

Dubbed the "angel of the north" for his mission, Joe claims to have delivered more than 180 babies in 13 years.

Donor Joe says that interested women usually contact him through social media. He asks them for information about their menstrual cycle and other necessary data. If the mother-to-be is a match, Joe sets a date for insemination, which can be artificial (AI), partial (PI) or natural (NI).

"For some people, natural insemination is the most effective, but some prefer artificial insemination to avoid potential relationship problems," Joe explains. He has even inseminated a couple of women he has never met by sending them sperm through the mail.

Despite the fact that many women want to have a child with him, Joe himself has not yet found a life partner. He explains this by the fact that his constant reproductive activity makes potential partners jealous.

Interestingly, according to Joe, most of the women he has dated were initially his clients. He compares this phenomenon to the now fashionable "reverse dating" - when people immediately go to bed, and only then go to the cinema or to dinner, start texting and chatting). Nevertheless, Joe does not lose hope of finding his soulmate.

“I hope that one day I’ll meet that special person who will accept me for who I am – someone who wants to have children and can accept the number of children I have,” he dreams.

In the meantime, Joe says his ultimate goal is to help women who are having trouble conceiving naturally, a common problem in the West. “I help people all over the UK,” says Joe. And he says the well-being of children is also in his best interests.

Joe says he tries to stay in touch with his many children, both online and in person. “Of my 180 children, I’ve met more than 60,” he says. — There are children I speak to every day, and then there are those I text on WhatsApp a lot.”

However, experts warn against using unlicensed sperm donors because of the medical, legal and ethical issues involved. “There are risks if arrangements are made outside of a clinic, for example, without proper consent, the donor could be seen as a legal parent with all the rights and responsibilities that entails,” warns a spokesperson for the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority in the UK. So experts recommend using licensed clinics where medical and legal issues are taken care of, and where the welfare of the child is a priority.

Some critics accuse Joe of putting the health and safety of women and their babies at risk. “He really is playing God, and he shouldn’t be playing God to desperate women and their babies,” says fertility expert Stephen Page. "I just think he's crazy and dangerous and those women shouldn't go near him."

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