A dog with a three-kilogram tumor on his face was cured and found an owner (5 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 16
Today, 03:45

A homeless dog who ended up in a shelter in Clearwater (Florida, USA) and was given the nickname King, caused great anxiety among the staff.

The fact is that the animal suffered from a three-kilogram tumor that had grown on its muzzle. The large, swollen "ball" was so heavy that the poor four-legged fellow had to walk with his head low to the ground.

But the veterinarians performed a complex and successful operation, ridding King of the tumor (which turned out to be benign). All that was left was to find the dog a new home, and then a good miracle happened. One day, a shelter employee took King for a walk and passed by a construction site. One of the builders liked the dog so much that he met him, stroked him, and after a while came to the shelter, expressing a desire to take the pet into his home.

The shelter staff is very happy for King and is confident that their former ward deserves happiness. Even when life was not kind to him, the wonderful dog showed unwavering fortitude and surprised everyone with his optimism.

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