How a Japanese woman saved up for three houses: a story of incredible savings (3 photos)

Today, 03:46

Japanese woman Saki Tamogami has been named the “most frugal girl in the country” after she was able to buy three houses on just $1.40 a day.

There is a woman in Japan who has been called the “most frugal girl in the country” for her incredible ability to save. Her name is Saki Tamogami, and at 37 years old, she was able to buy three houses and open a cat cafe on just $1.40 a day. Her story caused a stir after she appeared on Japanese television in 2019, where she shared her experience of a frugal lifestyle.

Tamogami said that at the age of 19, she set a goal for herself to buy three houses by the age of 34. Savings gave her a sense of security and comfort. After university, the girl began working as a real estate agent and immediately began saving most of her salary. Her daily diet consisted of simple dishes (toast and udon noodles). She spent no more than 35 cents on a meal.

Since the age of 19, the girl stopped buying new clothes - her relatives gave her things. She found all the furniture for the house on the street. Moreover, the girl once sold her hair for $20, which helped her cover part of her living expenses.

At 27, the girl was able to buy her first house in Saitama for $69,000. Two years later, she bought a second house, and by 2019, she realized her dream by purchasing a third house, on the ground floor of which she opened a cat cafe called Cafe Yuunagi.

Today, it is a popular place among cat lovers, and the income from the cafe allows Tamogami to care for the animals and develop her business. Despite her financial freedom, she remains true to her principles of saving and plans to continue investing in real estate. Tamogami's story has resonated on social media, where many users admire her self-discipline and determination.

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