In Singapore, a bus driver dropped off tourists who bought few souvenirs (3 photos)

Today, 03:46

Luckily, the tourists who were dropped off were invited to a nearby restaurant for dessert.

In mid-August, a tour bus driver kicked out a group of Chinese tourists after they refused to buy more souvenirs from him. The conflict between the bus driver and the travelers was caught on video. According to one of the tourists, the driver-guide from a local tour company forced them to buy keychains and perfume and got angry because he felt they had not spent enough money.

First, the man prevented the tourist from taking her blood pressure medication from the bus and closed the door in front of another traveler who tried to get on. The group demanded an apology from the driver, but he ordered the remaining passengers outside and drove away, leaving them on the side of a busy street. The tourist who posted the video said the driver threatened and insulted them when they tried to call the police. Eventually, another bus arrived and picked up the abandoned tourists.

A colleague of the man who became the hero of the viral video, on condition of anonymity, asked for understanding, since drivers often have to carry heavy luggage and are rarely tipped. The affected tourists have reportedly filed a complaint with the Chinese Embassy in Singapore.

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