First GoPro from the offensive in Kharkiv region from the Third Assault Brigade

29 August 2024
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The 3rd separate assault brigade has published the first GoPro from the offensive in the Kharkiv region in Telegram. Be careful, obscene language! As reported by Censor.NET, the corresponding video was published on the social network.

"Trench line, let them smash it to pieces!" - this is unique footage of the beginning of the offensive operation of the Third assault. From the landing and immediately into fire contact.

"The machine gunner of the occupiers opened barrage fire to prevent our soldiers from reaching their trench line. The shells of the occupiers were already exploding nearby," the note says.

The anger and emotions of the assault troops, who are ready to strangle the occupiers with their bare hands - in the video of the soldiers of the 1st company of the 1st assault.

Details and even more footage of the Kharkiv offensive - soon on the brigade's channel!

Earlier, the Third Assault Brigade announced successful offensive actions in the Kharkiv region.

The fighters of the Third Separate Assault Brigade advanced almost two square kilometers into the front and took control of the battalion defense area of ​​the occupiers in the Kharkiv region.

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