An occupier shoots down a drone with his forehead

17 August 2024
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A video of a Ukrainian drone attacking a Russian occupier has been published online.

As reported by Censor.NET, the recording shows that as the drone approached, the occupier made a headbutt, hitting the drone. When the smoke cleared, it became clear that the Russian was walking into the nearest thicket as if nothing had happened.

"Simply crazy footage from a soldier of the 4th mechanized battalion of the separate presidential brigade named after Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky! The Russian occupier clearly sees the Ukrainian FPV drone that has come for his soul. But he doesn't run away, doesn't hide, but stubbornly waits for a deadly collision. As a result, he takes the drone "to Odessa" and, like in a zombie movie, goes to die under the nearest tree," the commentary to the publication notes.

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