The operator of a kamikaze drone struck Russian helicopter over Kursk region of the Russian Federation

13 August 2024
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A kamikaze drone operator from the SBU Special Operations Center "Alpha" hit a Russian helicopter in the skies over the Kursk region of the Russian Federation. As reported by Censor.NET, the recording of the successful attack shows that the drone attacked the helicopter, which was moving at a fairly low altitude.

"The SBU's successful hunt for Russian helicopters continues! The Divine Service has worked on another target with the help of an FPV drone in the "Kursk People's Republic". The video shows how the drone of the Security Service's Center for Special Operations "A" hits the helicopter during its flight. Let us recall that the SBU has already shot down another enemy helicopter with a drone the other day. These are unique special operations in the history of wars. Are we waiting for new results? God loves the trinity," the SBU fighters comment on the video.

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