Revenge for a mistress: a woman disconnected her husband from the life support machine (2 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
8 August 2024

A 38-year-old Chinese man left his wife for his mistress ten years ago, but never officially divorced. The man recently had a stroke and fell into a coma. Doctors needed permission from his legal wife to perform the surgery.

Doctors told the woman that the patient's chances of survival were slim, and the cost of the surgery was high.

The man had a hemorrhagic stroke - a hemorrhage into the brain tissue, which occurs due to ruptured blood vessels.

The brain struggles to get the oxygen and nutrients it needs, causing serious damage.

In severe cases, emergency surgery is required.

By law, doctors are required to inform the family of any risks associated with surgery and obtain written consent if the patient is unable to provide it. Only in exceptional cases can hospital management take responsibility for making the decision.

A Chinese woman complained that her husband was cheating on her and did not provide financial support, after which she refused to sign the consent form and asked doctors to remove the tracheal tube.

It is not known whether she consulted anyone when she made the decision to disconnect her husband from life support.

An equally frightening situation occurred in Germany in 2022. A 72-year-old woman twice disconnected her roommate from the ventilator because the noise bothered her.

The staff initially explained to the offender that without the ventilator, the 79-year-old patient would die. She repeated the crime and ended up in prison for attempted murder.

The victim had to be resuscitated, but she survived.

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