45-year-old man from Indonesia killed his neighbor because he constantly asked why he was not married (2 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
8 August 2024

The incident occurred on July 29 in northern Sumatra. The victim was a 60-year-old retired official, Irianto Asgim. Siregar Parlindungan, 45, came to his home at about 8 p.m. with a piece of wood in his hands and began beating the man without warning.

Irianto ran out of the house, and a neighbor chased him and hit him on the head. The pensioner lost consciousness, and Siregar continued to beat him. Residents of nearby houses stopped the beating and took the victim to the hospital, but he died on the way.

An hour later, the police detained the aggressor. During interrogation, he told the investigator that he decided to attack because the deceased joked about the neighbor not being married and often asked when he would find a wife.

According to a local newspaper, there was another conflict between the men. Both Indonesians kept chickens, which periodically ran away to the other's plot. The disputes over livestock led to loud arguments between the men.

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