How people lived and looked in the USA at the end of the 20th century (17 photos)
At the same time, life in different parts of the world is very different. This collection contains shots from the USA in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. From the photos, you can roughly imagine what the residents were interested in, what their standard of living was, what the cities looked like. Let's dive into the past for a while?
1. Girls and their style in 1970s
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3. The Road to Verdi, , 1961 year
4. After the snowstorm in Times Square, New York, 1978
5. This is Speedway Boulevard, which in 1970 was called "America's Ugliest Street" due to the abundance of advertising shields
6. Night in the Los Angeles Suburbs, 1972
8. Paul McDonough Arrived in New York in 1967 year and began photographing the unique moments happening around him. He was looking for beautiful, random shots on the streets of the city
10. Radio City Music Hall, New York, 1966
11. Greenwich Village, New York, 1966
12. The Parade After 1969
13. New York 1970s
14. And this is San Francisco in the 70s
15. Typical views of Los Angeles of the same времени