Archaeologists have shown the marble floor of a sunken Roman villa (3 photos)

Category: Archeology, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 22:43

A marble mosaic floor has been discovered in a sunken Roman villa in Bacoli, Italy. Experts have cleared decorative work at the Bahia Underwater Archaeological Park.

The mosaic was made using the opus sectile technique, in which fragments of a certain shape are cut out of marble or other rock and created intricate geometric patterns.

Unlike tessellated mosaics, which use tesserae of a standard size and shape, in opus sectile the parts are larger and have complex shapes. Such work demonstrated the wealth and refined taste of the homeowner.

The floor covers an area of ​​about 250 square meters and dates back to the last days of the Roman Empire. Interestingly, the mosaic was created from “recycled materials,” apparently to reduce costs.

“This is the magic of Bai - the marble floor of an ancient Roman villa,” said Bacoli Mayor Giosi Gerardo Della Ragione. “The opus sectile mosaic, with its complex geometric motifs, executed with extraordinary skill, opens a window into the life and art of Ancient Rome. The artifact will allow you to immerse yourself in history, explore the hidden wonders beneath the surface of the sea."

In ancient times, Bailly was a popular resort for the Roman nobility, famous for its luxurious villas, thermal springs and hedonistic atmosphere.

However, over time, as a result of bradyseism (oscillations of the earth's crust), the coastal part of the city went under water.

The underwater restoration project continues, and archaeologists will continue to inform the public about new discoveries.

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