“Monumental” structure from biblical stories found in Israel (6 photos)

Category: Archeology, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 22:43

Archaeologists have discovered a structure in Jerusalem that is mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. These are the ruins of a moat built over 3,000 years ago in the City of David.

For a century and a half, researchers have been trying to prove that the city was divided into two parts, as described in the Bible, and now they have discovered a moat that separated the Temple Mount from residential areas.

The depth of the ditch was about 9 m and the width was 30 m.

According to experts, the ditch was created in the Iron Age - the period when the Book of Kings and the Book of Samuel described how the City of David was divided into the districts of Ophel and Millo.

One of the references can be found in the First Book of Samuel (11:27): “Solomon built the fortification of Millo and repaired the breach in the wall of the City of David his father.”

The ancient city was built by King David to unite Israel around one capital.

“There is reason to believe that the ditch was used in the centuries when Jerusalem was the capital of the Kingdom of Judah, almost 3,000 years ago, starting with King Josiah,” says excavation director Iftah Shalev.

"The moat separated the southern residential areas from the Upper City in the north, where the palace and temple were located."

The ditch was probably used both for defense and for dividing the city. This is how the ruler of Jerusalem showed his strength and ability to defend his possessions.

"Once again, discoveries are being made that shed bright light on biblical literature," said Eli Escusido, director of the Israel Antiquities Authority.

“When you stand at the bottom of this gigantic structure, surrounded by huge carved walls, it is impossible not to feel awe and a sense of gratitude to those ancient people who, about 3,800 years ago, literally “moved mountains and hills.”

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