Japanese realities: 21 years in poverty for the sake of early retirement (5 photos)

Yesterday, 22:43

A Japanese man has been living extremely frugally for 21 years, so he can finally retire early. So he saved up 132 million yen. But the biggest shock is his story of how exactly he lived for those 21 years. And I must say... they live better in prison.

This is such a gorgeous dinner for his birthday

A man has a dream

A 45-year-old Japanese man who goes by the name "the man who will definitely retire soon" posted about how he was able to save millions of yen to retire after 20 years of work.

In his youth, he got a job with a good salary - five million yen a year. But it was a very stressful job in which he had to stay long after midnight for overtime.

He's probably very slim. Umeboshi, as far as I understand, is in a separate plate

That’s why he dreamed of finally quitting his job and being free. But where, he was afraid of poverty and hunger, so he came up with a plan - to calculate how much he needed to save in order to be fully provided for until old age.

He saved almost his entire salary, making simply monstrous sacrifices for this.

Like alive, but not alive

He abandoned renting an apartment and plans to save up for his own. Instead, he lives in a company dormitory, which costs him only 30,000 yen a month.

Energy drinks are often sold in such small bottles in Japan.

All the furniture and equipment were from garbage dumps; if whole things were not found, the Japanese assembled one from two chairs.

What amazed me most was that he didn't use a heater or air conditioner. In the summer in Japan, the heat is simply unbearable, but that's okay. In winter, he did not heat the room, but simply slept in a down jacket and did exercises if he was cold at home.

He was constantly freezing because he did not allow himself any “rich” food. Mostly it’s rice and pieces of vegetables, my heart senses, he also periodically “freeganized” vegetables for himself, that is, he found them that had been thrown away. At the same time, sometimes I drank an energy drink instead of dinner. How he didn’t go to the hospital with energy drinks on an empty stomach is a mystery to me.

Here are photos of the dinners shared by a Japanese man. I was especially fascinated by the opened bottle WITH MAYONNAISE

He himself said jokingly that his life was similar to the life of a prisoner. I doubt this because Japanese prisons are warm in winter.

And he wrote a book about all this Spartan life. It sold quite successfully online, which brought his retirement closer by another two years!

The only trouble is that he saved and did not invest for twenty years in a row. Quite a scary move for our man, huh? And it’s not very smart on his part, because just in recent years the yen has depreciated greatly due to problems in the economy. So he doesn't have as much money as he planned. He didn't even buy gold, everything was in yen.

Can you eat only this piece of bread for dinner? And now there is pasta in prison...

I even feel so sorry for him, he acted so stupidly.

What’s interesting to me is that when he quits, they’ll kick him out of the dormitory. But there is no apartment, which means we will have to rent. And this will immediately “gobble up” a huge part of his income. Or will he go to the village and live in one of the many abandoned houses?

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