The Indian was carrying a kilogram of gold in his rectum, but was caught. How did he give himself away? (9 photos)

Yesterday, 22:43

The World Gold Council says around 250 tonnes of gold is smuggled into India every year. I don't know how they managed to calculate this. After all, it is impossible to count the smugglers who were not caught by customs. As, in fact, the amount of precious metal they imported illegally.

An Indian man named Naushad shaved off the hair on top of his head, made a wig out of it and tried to smuggle 1.13 kg of gold under it. He was detained at the Indian airport Cochin.

But the caught smugglers never cease to amaze with their ingenuity! They come up with all kinds of ingenious ways to hide gold. Gold is covered with silver to disguise it, hidden in umbrellas, in pens, in underwear, in rolls of fabric, in chocolate bars and in boxes of chocolates... They try to smuggle it under wigs.

A few years ago, a passenger arriving from Dubai was detained at Delhi airport. Suspicion arose from his cardboard boxes, which were stapled much more carefully than required. It turned out that these paper clips were made of gold and painted gray. No less than 755 grams of gold paper clips!

And smugglers generally use the cavities of their own bodies to the fullest! And it’s also good if such a cavity is the mouth, for example:

Two smugglers tried to smuggle 951 grams of gold in their mouths into India from Dubai. They were detained at Delhi airport.

Because more often than not, the rectum is used to transport gold across borders. This means that a good portion of the gold jewelry sold in India is made from gold that has traveled in someone's ass.☺

And here’s the question: how do customs officers discover such deeply hidden gold? They don’t conduct inspections for everyone.

Although now I thought: what about the metal detector frame at the airport? How do smugglers get through it? What do you think?

In general, it turned out that most often would-be smugglers give themselves away by unusual behavior.

Some people's gait changes - they "walk awkwardly through the airport", which attracts the attention of employees of the relevant services. Of course! Could you walk with a “flying gait” with a kilogram or two of gold in your anus, which is constantly trying to fall out?

Four of the seven gold bars weighing a total of 1,470 grams were found in the rectum of a passenger arriving from Dubai at Kannur Airport in the Indian state of Kerala. The passenger "staggered awkwardly through the airport."

And some people screw up on the plane. Like, for example, an Air India passenger who was flying from Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) to Delhi. The Times of India reported a week ago how absurdly this smuggler made a mistake.

During the five and a half hour flight, he flatly refused any drinks or food that were repeatedly offered to passengers. In principle, you can understand it - you eat, drink, and then you want to go to the toilet. And... goodbye, little darling.

The Times of India did not publish photographs of the gold recovered from this passenger. Therefore, I had to take a photograph of gold items seized from the rectum of a completely different person - a Sri Lankan citizen who flew to India in 2017 and tried to smuggle 904 grams of gold in the same way.

However, this behavior of the passenger seemed suspicious to the flight attendants. And they reported this to the commander. He, in turn, alerted airport security.

Upon arrival in Delhi, security personnel kept a close watch on the suspicious passenger. Most likely, there was something wrong with his gait too. When the passenger tried to walk along the green corridor, he was stopped and questioned. As a result, he confessed that he had hidden gold in his rectum.

904 grams of gold extracted from the rectum of a Sri Lankan citizen

The publication is silent about how the precious metal was extracted from the passenger. However, this is not written about in other reports of similar cases.

However, as a result of some manipulation, four oval capsules containing 1096.76 grams of gold worth Rs 69 lakh (Rs 6,900,000) were recovered from the smuggler.

These four capsules were recovered from the same Sri Lankan citizen

After this incident, flight attendants were instructed to closely monitor passengers who refuse drinks and food on long flights. And, of course, report where it should be.

And when I read this news, I immediately remembered how in 2015 my wife and I flew from Dubai to Delhi on an Emirates Boeing 747. This is a huge wide-body, double-decker aircraft with ten seats in one row - three on the left side, three on the right side and four in the middle.

Boeing 747-400 cabin diagram.

Next to us, in four seats in the middle of the cabin, was an Indian family flying - a husband, wife and two children. So, the head of the family did not eat or drink anything during the entire flight. He sat with his eyes closed and apparently prayed, because his lips were constantly moving. They brought him food on a tray, and after some time the untouched tray was taken away.

Now I thought that, most likely, he was carrying gold!

Although, maybe the poor fellow simply suffered from aerophobia?

I also became interested in why almost all reports of gold smuggling in the rectum involve approximately the same amount of the precious metal - about one kilogram. Plus and minus, of course. What, no longer included?

I found the size of the average person's rectum on the Internet. It turned out that its length is from 12 to 18 cm, and its diameter is 3-4 cm. The density of gold is 19.32 g/cc.

Some more smuggled gold! 960 grams of gold recovered from the rectum of a flight attendant named Surabhi Khatun on a flight from Oman to India in May this year.

After performing a few simple arithmetic operations, I found out that approximately 1.6 to 4.3 kilograms of precious metal can easily enter the human rectum!

It turns out that the smugglers are not doing enough! They're hacking!

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