An American coffee shop showed standard customer orders

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
Yesterday, 04:33

Dedicated to all sweet lovers.

Dunkin' Donuts is an American international coffee chain. In 1948, Bill Rosenberg opened a cafe that served only donuts and coffee in Quincy, Massachusetts (a suburb of Boston). Within 2 years, the idea of ​​selling specifically these two products turned out to be very successful, and by 1950 a whole chain of restaurants called Dunkin' Donuts appeared. Over time, the range has increased significantly, but the coffee + donut concept has remained unchanged.

Now there are about 12 thousand establishments in 45 countries around the world. Naturally, most of these coffee shops are located in the USA and are very popular among local residents.

One of the coffee shop employees showed what orders ordinary Americans make, and, to be honest, what I saw made me feel a little uneasy.

Many visitors ask to add 15 to 30 tablespoons of sugar and 50-200 ml of sugar syrup to their coffee. As a result, this mixture takes up to half of a large glass, the rest is filled with ice and a little coffee.

And if you also eat this sugar-syrup mixture with a sweet donut, and maybe more than one, then something will definitely stick together. And if it doesn’t stick together, it will seriously increase in size.

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