Sea and air drones of the SBU hit the Russian coast guard base on Lake Donuzlav

23 July 2024
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On the night of Thursday, July 18, the Security Service of Ukraine hit the coast guard base of the Russian invaders on Lake Donuzlav in temporarily occupied Crimea with sea and air drones. Sources reported this to Censor.NET.

According to sources, last night the occupying naval forces of the Russian Federation conducted exercises to protect the waters of Lake Donuzlav in Crimea.

“Thanks to the SBU drones, these exercises became a failure, because the Russians could not even defend their base, not to mention the waters of the lake,” the source noted.

As a result of a combined attack by sea and air drones on the Russian Coast Guard base, the following were hit and disabled:

headquarters with control center;
ammunition and equipment warehouse;
electrical substation;
technical structures;
firing positions.

“This is another reminder to the enemy that the Ukrainian Crimea is turning into a trap for the Russians, in which they will be systematically destroyed. Because, as the Chairman of the SBU Vasily Malyuk said, “death is the only prospect that we can offer to the occupiers,” said informed source in the Security Service.

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