Bill Gates is ready to feed the world oil out of thin air (4 photos)

Today, 08:59

First Bill Gates wanted us to eat bugs, but now he's offering oil out of thin air. The Microsoft founder is backing a California startup that makes alternative oils.

Gates, who invested in insect food last year, says Savor has perfected the chemical process for making dairy-free butter.

"The idea of ​​switching to lab-produced fats and oils may seem strange. But the promise of significant reductions in carbon emissions is enormous. With proven technologies and processes, we are one step closer to achieving our climate goals," Gates wrote in his blog.

“The production process does not emit greenhouse gases, does not use agricultural land and consumes less than one thousandth of the water required by traditional agriculture. And most importantly, this oil tastes very good - like the real thing, because chemically it is,” - added the billionaire.

The butter alternative is created through a thermochemical process that causes fat molecules to form chains of carbon dioxide, hydrogen and oxygen.

According to the manufacturers, their product has a realistic taste that will make butter lovers melt. Savor is also testing dairy-free alternatives to ice cream, cheese and milk.

The company's chief executive Kathleen Alexander said: "We have already held informal tastings with a few dozen people, but we are planning formal testing as part of commercialization and scale-up."

According to Alexander, their oil will not appear on store shelves until 2025.

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