Why did Spanish galleons calmly cross the Pacific Ocean and were not afraid of pirate attacks? (5 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
Today, 04:11

Although the board was filled to capacity with silk, spices and other goods.

In 1565, Spanish sailors discovered a route that they used for almost 250 years. They sailed their galleons across the Pacific Ocean from west to east. The starting point of their journey was the port of Acapulco in Mexico, and the final point was Manila, Philippines.

That's what they called it - the Manila route. He brought the Spaniards fabulous wealth.

In Manila, the galleon's hold was filled with Chinese porcelain, incense, silk, spices and other exotic goods. Then he went to Acapulco. There the ship was unloaded and transported all this to the metropolis - Spain.

And the ship went back, but with chests of silver on board. This happened over and over again.

In addition, the Spaniards did not hesitate to transport Filipino slaves. Their galleons could carry a lot of people, but not all of them made it to Mexico. Some died en route due to unsanitary conditions and related diseases. And the corpses were simply sent overboard.

Travelers were also transported for a substantial fee. One of them wrote at the end of the 17th century that this was the most serious test of his entire life. It's all about storms, which often battered the ship, and time - the journey from Manila to Acapulco took up to 8 months.

But the galleon was not afraid of pirates. They stared at them, but almost never attacked. The Spanish ship, although not fast, carried on board up to 60 cannons and a detachment of soldiers armed to the teeth. The pirates were unable to cope with such prey. And the galleons traveled along a very dangerous route: where it could only be hit by a storm, any pirate ship would immediately sink.

The last Spanish galleon arrived in Manila in 1815. Since that time, trade was interrupted - an uprising broke out in Mexico and Acapulco passed into the hands of the rebels.

By that time, Spain was no longer the same. It once controlled Mexico, Peru, New Granada, Guatemala, Venezuela, Chile, Cuba and other territories. And then I lost it all.

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