The same accessory from the future is found on the walls of 12,000-year-old temples: what is it? (6 photos)

Category: Archeology, PEGI 0+
6 July 2024

Archaeologists are finding images of modern objects in ancient ruins in Mexico, Iraq and South America.

Archaeologists continue to find ancient wall carvings depicting objects similar to modern handbags, writes DailyMail.

Some of these paintings are about 12 thousand years old. The earliest images were found in Turkey in the ruins of the megalithic temple of Gobekli Tepe. Strange images were engraved on the columns of the ancient temple.

Similar "handbag" motifs have been found in Mexico, Iraq and parts of South America. This raises many questions, including how ancient civilizations could have used an item that looked so much like a modern handbag.

Despite the fact that the designs look like handbags or clutches, experts still believe that the ancient ruins are more likely to depict baskets. However, some believe that the concept of a handbag was invented by ancient civilizations.

As you know, the first modern bag appeared in 1841 in England. It was invented by Samuel Parkinson, who decided to create a travel suitcase for his wife, but in a slightly smaller size. Since then, this accessory has become a must-have item in the daily look of both women and men.

The problem is that the Gobekli Tepe temple was built in 9000 BC. and its builders could hardly have known about such an accessory.

Another ancient example of a handbag was found in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, which were written about 5,000 years ago. They depict gods holding a small square object symbolizing prosperity.

Archaeologists have indeed found the remains of baskets and bags for various kinds of tools that were used by the ancient Egyptians, but so far they cannot say for sure what exactly was depicted in the hieroglyphs.

Similar discoveries were made in Iraq. Among the ruins of the Assyrian palace, giant stone slabs were found; the structure was erected between 883 and 859 BC. The slabs depict a Genie with wings, carrying a handbag. Some experts argue that Jin is actually carrying not a bag, but a bucket.

Archaeologists agree that the object in Jin's hands was intended to carry potions or other intoxicating substances.

"Such figures in Assyrian palaces often have the bodies and heads of animals and are called Apkalu," says historian David Miano.

According to him, these are minor deities who have the power of protection and are found in ancient scriptures.

“They carry things that people call bags, but they are actually water buckets made from sacred date palms,” Miano points out.

To confirm this, ancient buckets were actually found in Iraq that are very similar to the engravings.

Similar motifs have also been discovered in Mexico, among Toltec ruins. There, giant humanoid stone statues are also holding handbag-like objects. These statues were created in 750 AD.

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