Unusual find: half of a Ferrari supercar was found in a garage (3 photos + 1 video)

Category: Car news, PEGI 0+
1 July 2024

There are several versions of why the Ferrari Mondial 8 supercar was cut in half. Later, the convertible was equipped with a Play Station and monitors.

An interesting discovery was discovered in one of the underground garages in the center of Los Angeles. There was half a 1981 Ferrari Mondial sitting there.

A Ferrari Mondial 8 convertible was cut in half lengthwise. There are several versions of why this happened.

According to one version, the car was cut up by one of the car dealers to show off its “filling” and attract buyers. According to another version, this Ferrari supercar was filmed in the film “Cannonball Race” and, according to the plot, was cut in two.

There is a third, comic version - they say, the Ferrari Mondial 8 belonged to a husband who was getting a divorce, and his wife wanted half of the car.

Later, this Ferrari supercar was turned into a kind of attraction. The salon was equipped with a Sony Play Station game console, a DVD player and screens. Subsequently, half of the car was sold for $7,500.

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