In South Korea, a robot civil servant committed suicide for the first time in history (4 photos)

1 July 2024

The poor fellow worked for less than a year at the mayor's office of the city of Gumi, delivering documents from floor to floor, carrying out courier orders and providing visitors with the necessary information.

The robot, created by Bear Robotics, a California startup, worked from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and had its own government ID. And even with such a load, I managed to “emotionally burn out” at work.

Eyewitnesses say that in the midst of a working day, their depressed mechanical colleague began spinning around one place like a top, and then threw himself off a two-meter ladder. To death.

Law enforcement agencies are now investigating what could have caused the suicide, and local media note that this is the first such case in the country. The mayor's office noted that they will not hire a second robot, since the suicide of the first one is difficult for them, and they are not entirely sure that the robot independently decided to go to another world.

“Officially, he was part of the mayor's office, one of us. He worked hard,” noted the deceased’s leather colleagues.

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