An overly cunning Indian student was expelled from the country in the USA (3 photos)

1 July 2024

A brilliant Indian deceived his university for a whole year, but got burned by bragging about the scheme on Reddit.

A boy named Aryan Anand was not the most diligent student in his school. He openly neglected his studies and lied to his parents about his academic performance. But soon it was time to go to college, and then he came up with a brilliant scheme. He learned that in the USA some leading colleges provide full financial aid even to foreign students, but for this the student had to be an ideal excellent student, with a bunch of diplomas and everything in the same spirit. In short, they didn’t take anyone there.

So Aryan planned a very, very structured fraud plan. He got the results for grades 9-11, edited it perfectly, and then made a completely fake predicted result for grade 12. I bought a fake stamp of the school director, bought a similar domain for my school’s website and set up several corporate emails there in the name of the real director. He created a completely false profile about himself, but did not indicate a single certificate or medal that could be verified.

Aryan Anand

Using ChatGPT, I wrote an admissions essay and sent all my fake documents to all decent educational institutions in the United States. And surprisingly it worked. Lehigh University happily accepted him and agreed to fully pay for his education, travel, accommodations, and even one round trip ticket to India each year. Besides food. Then an enterprising Indian creates a fake death certificate for his father and receives an increased scholarship. That is, the food is also at the expense of the establishment.

Everything was great, if not for one thing, the guy didn’t want to study at all, he was lazy. But the time had come for exams, and to continue the scholarship, I had to pass them well. And he brazenly copied all the answers from his phone; the main condition was simply not to catch the eye of the examiners. He spent a year climbing like this. So he also got a part-time job by lying that he was a third-year marketing student and providing fake documents.

Lehigh University

And everything was going well for him until his conscience tortured him and then he made a super-long post on Reddit, where he spoke in detail about all the intricacies of his fraud. The moderators were a little stunned by this, and having figured out where he was studying from this guy’s subscriptions, they sent all the information to the university.

“Lehigh University appreciates the reporting to its Ethics Hotline and the thorough investigation by the Lehigh University Police Department that led to the arrest of Aryan Anand, as well as the prosecution of Anand by the Northampton County District Attorney's Office for fraud,” a university spokeswoman said in a statement. Lehigh Amy White.

The guy was sentenced to three months in Northampton County Jail. As part of the deal, Anand agreed to return to India, and Lehigh University agreed not to seek a refund of the $85,000.

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