Amazing transformation: a woman lost almost 70 kg and became a beauty queen (6 photos + 1 video)

26 June 2024

Effie Murphy's large size prevented her from traveling the world with her family. The government of one country refused her a visa, deeming traveling with her weight a “health risk.”

Effie Murphy, 37, from Ireland, lost nearly 70 kilograms after gastric sleeve surgery and won numerous beauty pageant titles.

The woman said that she used to be called her “fat friend,” but now, after losing weight, she has become a real beauty. Effie has achieved weight loss since undergoing gastric sleeve surgery three years ago. Now she is demonstrating her assets and took second place in a beauty contest in Las Vegas (USA).

Talking about her struggle with excess weight, the girl admitted that once her addiction to food was “crazy”, and her diet included fatty foods and drinks that had a lot of sugar.

"I could sit down and eat two takeaways every day, with a bunch of snacks in between, and maybe drink four liters of soda a day. I was severely obese," she said.

Her large size even prevented her from traveling the world with her children and ex-husband: the New Zealand government refused her a visa because of her excess weight, deeming the trip a “health risk.” Effie had a strict three-month deadline to reapply and began the Shake diet and lost 19kg in no time, securing her travel permit. However, not everything was so smooth: her marriage collapsed, and depression forced her to gain weight again and even more than before.

In June 2019, Effie took the plunge and went under the knife in Turkey for gastric sleeve surgery, which removed 90% of her stomach. The operation cost her £2,550.

"It was scary, but it's the best thing I've ever done and I would do it all over again. But you have to be mentally prepared for it because it's a huge change. It's not just about your appearance, but also how everyone around you reacts to the new you. People are so used to you being a funny fat friend that change can awaken self-doubt in them, because they see that you are doing well. It’s not easy,” she said. she.

Despite the difficulties, Effie enjoys her changed life. She is full of energy and can now relax with her children Aisling, Sian and Ollie, walk on the beach and put on socks - a task that was previously impossible for her. She has also become a beauty pageant superstar, winning the titles of Mrs Ireland 2017 and Mrs International Curve 2018, and even came second at the Regency International Pageant in Las Vegas.

The publication notes that after surgery, patients typically follow a strict diet and exercise regimen to promote weight loss and ensure proper healing. The diet usually consists of liquid and pureed foods for several weeks, after which solid foods are gradually added to the diet.

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