“I’ve been rowing for the 31st day”: a school teacher found himself alone in the middle of the Pacific Ocean (3 photos + 1 video)

26 June 2024

Luke admitted that he is now as far from land as possible on our planet.

A school music teacher, whose name is Luke, decided to radically change his life and decided to sail independently across the Pacific Ocean. He travels on a 27-foot sailboat and shares his incredible adventures daily on the social networking site TikTok.

Recently, a man surprised his 863,000-strong army of subscribers by indicating his exact coordinates on Google maps. According to him, this is as far from the earth as possible on our planet.

"I'm stuck here in a calm, no wind. I'm rowing for the 31st day in the Pacific Ocean to get some exercise. Feeling disoriented because I can't see absolutely anything - the distance to land is over 1,000 miles," the blogger explained in a viral clip. calling himself a sailing warbler.

Netizens began discussing what they saw in the comments.

"Dude, you're scaring me... come home";

“There is nothing scarier than the open ocean. I just can’t look at it calmly”;

"How is this possible? I need proof";

“Are there people who are not afraid of anything?! Does this happen?”

While some followers were surprised that the schoolteacher was crossing the Pacific Ocean alone, others were amazed at the reliability of his Internet connection.

“Omg this person is uploading a video from the Pacific Ocean and I'm losing connection in the bathroom,” one user wrote.

Another also joked: "Damn, is there Wi-Fi in the Pacific?"

Responding to all the reproaches, the blogger explained that he installed a special antenna on the sailboat to catch the signal. Now almost every new video of his receives more than a million views.

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