A Russian burned his neighbor’s expensive car because of the loud exhaust and the habit of parking haphazardly (4 photos + 3 videos)

21 June 2024

A BMW car for 110 thousand dollars is, of course, beautiful, but revenge turned out to be a little expensive, to put it mildly.

A resident of the elite Only residential complex, located on Bolshaya Filevskaya Street, did what many residents of apartment buildings dream of - he burned the car of an arrogant neighbor who woke people up with a loud exhaust and deliberately blocked other people's cars in the parking lot.

According to the capital's prosecutor's office, a BMW M4 Competition in the color "Sao Paulo" for 110 thousand dollars was set on fire by two teenagers born in 2008. They were detained almost immediately. They admitted that they were promised a monetary reward for setting the fire. The customer, by the way, has also already been detained.

The moment of arson

It is reported that the fire quickly spread and damaged nearby BMW, Skoda and Audi cars. It is not yet known what punishment awaits the customer and the perpetrators of the arson. But it is obvious that it will be severe, including in terms of compensation for damage.

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