Legendary crayfish and alpha predator of the ocean (5 photos)

Category: Nature, PEGI 0+
21 June 2024

He also has unusual vision and super mutant strength.

Meet the Mantis Cancer. Many people have already heard about this cancer, but it is so legendary that you can write endlessly about it.

The mantis crab belongs to the phylum Arthropods, from the order Stomatopods, which includes more than 10 species of crustaceans.

The habitat of this cancer is the Indian and Pacific Oceans. He prefers to live in a hole, which he digs himself. It builds its home next to rocks and corals, because they serve as excellent shelter.

The mantis crab grows on average up to 20 centimeters in length. Coloration varies greatly depending on the species.

For example, the Peacock Mantis has a bright color with a metallic tint. One of the characteristics of this cancer is its unusual vision. For example, a person perceives only 3 color channels: red, blue and green. While the Mantis Crayfish has 12-channel color vision, which allows it to perceive ultraviolet light.

The Peacock Mantis also has claws that are capable of delivering quick, crushing blows. The claw attack speed is 80 km/h, this is the fastest strike among all animals on the planet. The impact force reaches 1500 Newtons, which makes it easy to break mollusk shells and crab shells.

The special structure of the limbs makes them strong and wear-resistant. The outer layer of the claw consists of chitin nanofibrils, which are arranged in a “spiral”. This coating is stronger than usual because the spiral structure dissipates energy better.

Another species, the striped mantis, has spear-shaped jaws. He hunts from ambush, waiting for the right moment. When the prey is at close range, the crayfish pierces it with lightning speed.

Like other species of Mantis Crayfish, it feeds on shellfish, shrimp and small fish. The cancer itself becomes a victim of large predatory fish and squid. Crayfish spend most of their lives in their burrow, where they rest from everyday work.

During the breeding season, the male courts the female, performing a kind of dance. After fertilization, the female releases up to 50 thousand eggs, which she incubates for two months. The female keeps the eggs under her belly, which is why she cannot hunt until the cubs hatch from them. Sometimes the male may bring food to the female so that she does not starve.

When the crustaceans hatch, they rise to the surface layers of the water and live among plankton, and when they mature, they descend to the bottom. After 8-10 years, crustaceans reach sexual maturity. The lifespan of the Mantis Crayfish is 20 years.

Mantis crabs are often targeted by fishermen due to their high demand among gourmets. Some types of crayfish are in the Red Book and have a protected status. Despite this, poachers continue to catch mantis crabs for their tasty meat.

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