Japanese cats calling for love (10 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
17 June 2024

The Ginza district of Tokyo is a world-famous shopping destination that also boasts a variety of restaurants, a vibrant nightlife and... a romantic history of cats inviting love.

In the heart of Tokyo's Ginza district, the neon-lit, cylindrical San-ai Dream Center has stood since 1963 and is home to the Koikorin, a pair of nearly identical cats made from mikageishi, a type of Norwegian granite.

San-ai Dream Center - Dream Palace "San Ai"

The sculpture was created by modernist sculptor Masayuki Nagare, the famous “samurai artist” whose work can be found in art museums in Japan and America. Although the sculptures themselves are just ordinary cats, this feline couple is known for their wish-granting abilities.

Masayuki Nagare, nicknamed "Samurai Artist"

The one on the left, Nonki, is a cat, and Gorobek on the right is a cat. It is believed that stroking a cat of the opposite sex is a sign of good luck and equalization of the situation if there are problems in love. According to a sign located nearby, if you want to find your loved one, you should stroke the cat's head twice. Those who are in love with someone specific should stroke her face twice.

Those who want to restore their relationship with their ex need to pat the cat on the back twice. If the problem of excess weight is pressing, then the cat needs to be stroked twice on the tummy. Well, in case of betrayal of a partner, the statue needs to be spanked twice on the butt. And as the grandmother whispers, the cat will purr: the couple will enjoy life without betrayal.

Because of this tradition and the desire to catch luck by the tail, the faces of the statues have noticeably worn out, almost erased. In September last year the building was closed for reconstruction. And for those who are planning to visit a couple of granite wizards, it is important to remember: there is no need to try to embrace the immensity and make more than one wish. And, accordingly, pet the cat more than twice. Cats are not greedy, but the wonderful effect of magical petting will weaken.

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