Ax murder house in Villisca (8 photos + 1 video)

13 June 2024
Caution! The post contains shocking material. Make sure you really want to see it and you are over 18 years old.

The human psyche is designed in such a way that it is attracted to everything mysterious and creepy much more than the usual and standard.

Therefore, this house in Villisca, Iowa, has become not just an interesting attraction, but also a real mousetrap for tourists.

A brutal unsolved murder case from last century still attracts curious visitors to the crime scene, now called the House of the Ax Murderers.

After midnight on June 10, 1912, six children and two adults were found hacked to death with an ax left at the crime scene. Rumors quickly spread throughout the small town of Villisca, shrouding it in a web of sticky fears. Yesterday, even friendly neighbors began to look at each other with suspicion. A social catastrophe was brewing.

Unfortunately, crime-solving technology in 1912 was not advanced enough to identify the killer. And the case remains unsolved to this day. Amateur detectives from various fields, from historians to psychics, tried to solve it, but to no avail.

After changing hands several times, the house at 508 East Second Street was sold in 1994 to local museum owner Darwin Lynn. Lynn immediately set about renovating the house, restoring it to a near-perfect replica of the condition it was in at the time of the crime, and giving the place a macabre new name: The Villisca Ax Murder House.

Now visitors can view the historical crime scene, fortunately, without blood, even fake blood. And the most courageous (and wealthy) tourists can even stay here for the night, paying “only” $400 for an overnight stay and the opportunity to fully experience the dark atmosphere of an unsolved crime of yesteryear.

Still from the 2016 film "Massacre in Villisca", dedicated to this murder

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