Overheating and dependence on females: how do lions pay for their gorgeous mane? (7 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
10 June 2024

We all sometimes do things solely for the sake of showing off. Some buy expensive phones and branded clothes, others buy cheesecakes at Pyaterochka not on sale. Animals also know the price of showing off. True, they haven’t come up with money yet, so they have to brag about themselves. And today in our studio we have the main show-stopper of the animal world: meet His Majesty the lion!

This handsome guy lives in the Japanese Zoo. Even people can’t take their eyes off him!

The status itself obliges these beasts to show off. Since you are a king, live up to it! Lions don't know how to drive a low nine - they have paws. So the cats had to come up with something more interesting. To show off their coolness to everyone in the area, they grow a mane! Yes, the fur on the neck does not serve any other functions!

Girls: spend a lot of money on shampoos, masks, conditioners and styling products. Guys: they just dried their hair with a towel, combed their hair and look like this.

It used to be thought that the mane was needed for protection during a fight, but now scientists have refuted this theory. Thick fur can really protect the throat, but no one aims there. During a fight, lions attack the back and back of the enemy - they do not touch the neck.

Lions grab their prey by the throat to kill it. Big cats attack each other like this. The goal is to dominate, not kill.

The mane is a secondary sexual characteristic, like huge horns or brightly colored feathers. Testosterone is responsible for the development of male characteristics and, accordingly, the growth of thick hair. This is one of the main sex hormones in males of all vertebrates. In addition to regulating reproductive functions, testosterone affects the development of the male’s physical characteristics, as well as his behavior. Have you seen all those jocks from the gym? Yes, testosterone!

Yes, my hairstyle is so-so, but I’m a good guy!

The more vigorous male hormone in the blood, the stronger the lion and the thicker his mane. The lush fur on the head and neck is like a huge poster - “I am the most royal king here, bow down!” This acts as a warning to other males in the area. They will think three times whether it is worth fighting with that handsome guy with luxurious hair. After all, along with the styling, the kit comes with strong strength and a steely character!

Not only the thickness of the mane matters, but also its color. The darker it is, the better for its owner. Rich color confirms good health.

For lionesses, the mane works in exactly the opposite way. The more magnificent, black and longer the king's hairstyle, the more desirable he is in the eyes of the females. Such a lion is guaranteed to be able to give strong offspring and protect his pride - he has more than enough testosterone!

- Brother, recommend me a stylist like yours. - No, brother, otherwise you will take all the girls away from me!

The irony of royal fate is that in everyday life, when there are no rivals and all females are fertilized, the mane brings great discomfort. The wool grows up to 40 centimeters in length. And given its density, the mane turns into a heating pad for half the body. Everyone knows that lions live in Africa - the hottest continent on the planet? Imagine yourself there, dressed in a hat, scarf and blouse! Well, animals walk like this all the time!

There are also exceptions to the rules: where the heat is extreme, lions have no time for showing off. I wish I could survive! Thus, in Tsavo National Park, where the average annual temperature is +25 °C, lions have very small or almost completely absent manes.

Due to the risk of overheating, big cats cannot hunt during the day like lionesses and therefore depend on them. It turns out to be a vicious circle: the thicker the mane, the more the females like you and the more they need you. This means you need to grow your hair even better so that the lionesses don’t change their minds about feeding you! So much for the evolution of the pride of lions!

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