Hierarchy of horses: the strict laws of the herd and the tyranny of the alpha (10 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
10 June 2024

Which animals do you think have tougher relationships within the group: wolves or horses? Where do more fights happen? Who is ready to tear apart an opponent for a sidelong glance? Who has no less passions than in Turkish TV series? You've already seen the picture with horses, so the answer is obvious. And believe me, after reading the article, predators will seem like pacifists to you!

To understand the reason for such cruel relationships, let's look at the structure of the herd and pack of wolves. For grays, a flock is a big family. Parents are in charge, children are subordinate. This arrangement bears little resemblance to hierarchy—we don’t call moms and dads bosses, do we? If young predators want to start their own pack, no one will interfere with them - the animals leave their native group and look for a soul mate.

Wolves have deadly fights. But they occur between different packs during a war for territory. Within the group, animals treat each other peacefully!

The herd has a completely different structure and principles. Only one stallion can be alpha. He owns a harem and young animals. All the foals are his work. The harsh laws of the steppe allow only the strongest of the strong to reproduce. This is where the whole essence of cruelty lies. Males earn the right to own a herd through sweat, blood and meat.

If you think horses can't hurt each other, look at the scars on the stallion in the foreground. All this is a matter of the teeth of more successful horses.

Foals know their place from birth. The baby has not yet had time to open his eyes and stand on his feet, but has already received the status that his mother has. She is his first etiquette teacher. The mare teaches the child the rules of horse society and explains how to behave with elders.

Until the foal grows up, the mares protect it from everyone, even from their own father and from other mares in the herd.

When the foal grows up and gets stronger, he will begin to play with his teenage peers. The fillies' games are calm and peaceful. And among stallions, any game develops into a friendly romp - they bite, kick and knock each other to the ground. This is how they hone their future fighting skills. Adult stallions have serious fights.

Typical fuss between two brothers, regardless of their type.

The age of 12-18 months becomes fatal for horses - the period of puberty. At this point, the young animals finally join the general hierarchy of the herd. Being a mother gave a good start, but now it will not help: you will have to achieve everything on your own.

You won't be able to hide behind your mommy's skirt anymore!

Mature fillies remain in the herd. They compete with their older friends for a place in the sun. This usually happens without serious injury - the animals get by with intimidating poses, blocked ears and an angry snort. But it doesn’t happen once in a while. Unlike stallions, females do not try to tear each other with their teeth - they often fight off with their hind hooves. It is still unknown what is worse, because one precise horse kick can cost a person his life.

The only one whose status is not encroached upon is the main mare. The oldest, experienced and wise. Everyone obeys her unquestioningly, obeys her and respects her. It is she who chooses when the herd will go to water and when it will rest.

There doesn't seem to be anything special going on here. But the horse on the left is furious. Her flattened ears indicate this. And she’s not going to bite for fun.

It is much more difficult for stallions to grow up. Together with the leading mare, only one stallion can lead the herd. The alpha male will not tolerate other males vying for anything next to him.

Sanya, well, I asked, but not on the neck! Mom will see and scold!

He will discipline a young man who has violated his chastity with harsh bites and blows. If a growing horse can be content with the lowest status in the herd, he can stay there for a while. Otherwise, he is kicked out.

- Leave! - Why yell like that, you could have said it calmly...

Outcasts have two roads. The first is a sausage party. Such guys spend their entire lives wandering alone or in the company of similar bachelors. The second is to find and conquer another herd. Fight the leader and drive him away. Full of strength, but not experience, the stallions initially remain beaten. But every fight makes you stronger. If he has enough enthusiasm, intelligence and courage, after a couple of years his attempts will bear fruit.

They're the same. This fight will last forever!

If everything works out, not only voluptuous opportunities, but also the heavy burden of a protector will fall on the shoulders of the newly-minted alpha. He will need to protect his herd from other stallions, predators and any possible threats.

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