He's just crazy: Kanye West's former assistant spoke about the most unpleasant side of the rapper's character (4 photos)

6 June 2024

The worst thing is that he has a lot of money!

It has long been known exactly how Kanye West met his wife Bianca Censori. Bianca worked as his assistant and at some point an affair began between them. As it became known, before Bianca there was another assistant who refused the rapper because of his disgusting advances, The Sun reports.

Lauren Pisciotta met West in 2021. He hired her to help with the launch of a new clothing collection, but she also worked on the album launch and carried out small errands. In 2022, Kanye offered her $1 million a year if Lauren left her previous job. She agreed. Shortly after this, Pisciotta began receiving very strange messages from Kanye.

“You see, my problem is that I want to [have sex], but then after I do it, I want the girl to tell me how much I f*** her. After this I want her to cheat on me...”

He invited her to make love and told her intimate details of his life.

“Is my dick racist? This is true. He's racist as hell. I'm going to beat the hell out of this racist for being a racist. I'm going to stare at pictures of white women with black asses and beat the crap out of my a**."

Can you imagine how strange the messages Lauren was receiving? But she was paid $1 million a year, so they didn’t really bother her, since she only started talking about them now. Lauren also claims that West masturbated during phone calls with her and asked if she could hear or guess what he was doing.

Despite the fact that Lauren did not reciprocate his feelings, the rapper continued to promote her. She was eventually made chief of staff at West's various companies with a salary of $4 million. But the fairy tale ended when Bianca Censori appeared. Lauren was fired with the promise of $3 million. Lauren Pisciotta is suing for breach of contract, sexual harassment, wrongful termination and hostile work environment.

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