“Let’s feed the whole world”: what a cow worth 4 million dollars looks like (2 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
6 June 2024

Viatina-19 is so expensive because of its rapid gains in muscle mass, fertility, and the ability to pass on these characteristics to offspring.

The supercow Viatina-19 FIV Mara Imóveis has become a real sensation in Brazil. According to the Guinness Book of Records, this animal, worth $4 million, is the most expensive representative of its species sold at auction. Its price is three times higher than the previous record holder.

The unique cow weighs as much as 1,100 kg, which is twice the norm. This is the result of many years of efforts by local breeders who specialize in breeding meatier breeds.

“We don’t slaughter elite cattle, we breed them. In the end, we are going to feed the whole world,” said Ney Pereira, one of the owners of Viatina-19.

His daughter and right-hand woman Lorrani Martins claims that their cow is almost perfect and has all the characteristics that farmers around the world are looking for.

A cow is so expensive because of its rapid gain of muscle mass, fertility, and ability to pass on these characteristics to its offspring. Breeders pay about $250 thousand for her eggs.

Meanwhile, the Geneal Animal Genetics and Biotechnology laboratory is preparing to clone the record holder. However, experts note that such highly productive cows are not capable of significantly changing the field of livestock farming due to the high costs of maintaining them.

The owner of Viatina-19 also admitted that the cow is now pregnant, and in the future he plans to expand the farm.

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