A selection of unfortunate workers who have not heard about safety precautions (15 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
6 June 2024

Safety regulations exist for a reason. They help preserve not only health, but also life. However, some people seem to think that the dangers do not concern them, so they work as they please. It can be funny to watch these “tricks” from the outside. But it is important to remember that one careless move in such situations can lead to serious consequences. Below are photographs that clearly show what not to do!

Looks reliable

Construction workers at the Walt Disney World Resort, early 1980s

Protected the most important thing

Some workers and builders could easily moonlight as acrobats

The more you look at it, the scarier it gets.

Everything is beautiful here, nothing superfluous

Anyone who watched the movie "Final Destination" does not laugh

Fearless neat guy

Walk the plank

This is how construction works in Montreal, Canada.

This guy might need some safety training.

A man bathes in cement, apparently wanting to get chemical burns.

Working scheme, but very stupid

How to get back?

Strange fall insurance

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