Niccolo Paganini: the devilish violinist (11 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
6 June 2024

The story of a boy who was able to get out of poverty, make a deal with the devil and become one of the most brilliant musicians in the world. And very unhappy.

Paganini was born in Genoa in October 1782. The quarter was one of the poorest, and the lane where Niccolo was born was called the Black Cat. At the age of four he was seriously ill with rubella, and the family was so poor that they could neither call a doctor nor buy medicine. Therefore, just in case, the father made a small coffin, because his son could be about to die.

The father's name was Antonio. And when he once went to check on his son, he realized that he was not moving or breathing. Antonio picked up the baby, already wrapped him in a shroud and put him in a coffin, when the mother of the family noticed that Niccolo was barely breathing. The boy survived.

But despite total poverty, Antonio Paganini taught children music. And not so much out of love for art, but mainly so that they could somehow climb the social ladder of Italy. Antonio had great faith in the talent of his sons. True, he placed his main bet on the eldest, Carlo, because the youngest son was very sick and the family understood that he could die quite early. But one day Paganini’s mother had a dream that it was Niccolo who would glorify the name of their family. The family was obviously susceptible to believing in all sorts of omens, because Carlo was immediately freed from the violin and handed it to Niccolò. Every day, for several hours, and this despite the fact that the violin was for adults and it was simply difficult for a child to hold it.

Mom and dad locked Niccolo in a closet for 15 hours and he had to play almost without a break. No games with other kids - only activities. For the slightest mistakes he was severely and even severely punished. Niccolo didn’t have anyone who loved him just like that. For what he is. They simply killed the child, leaving him without parental love. Out of despair, he had to fall in love with music, because everything else in his life was terrible and only music saved him.

So he gave himself entirely to her, without a trace.

Antonio Paganini did not take into account one thing - when his son became famous and rich, he did not want to hear about his jailer-father. Niccolo passionately wanted to forget him.

At the age of 12, Niccolo already gave his own concert. At the age of eight he wrote his first violin sonata. Antonio, in a thirst for money, took the child all over the country, the schedule was packed to capacity for months in advance. But it was just a boy. Not every adult can cope with such loads, so as soon as Niccolo was able to do so, he immediately ran away from home.

Italy applauded the young talent; Niccolo became wealthy and independent from his parents.

And then something happened in his life...

For three years, Paganini simply disappeared. No concerts, no new music. Just a dark spot. Some said that he was in prison for killing his mistress, others claimed that his connection with smugglers was to blame. They said a lot and a lot of bad things, but there is still no accurate data.

Eliza Bonaparte

At the age of 23, Niccolò was invited to conduct a local orchestra in Lucca. At the same time, he began his affair with Eliza, Napoleon's sister, who was called the White Rose. Beautiful, intelligent, wealthy and fit into the best houses. But pretty soon Niccolo began a short-lived relationship with another sister, Red Rose.

Paganini changed his women often and did not open up completely to any of them.

For nine years Niccolo was the court musician of Elisa, who was his muse and patroness. Next to her, he became calmer, traveled a lot, but did not binge, and even began to get sick much less often.

When he wrote a “Love Scene” for Eliza for two strings, she was delighted and, laughing, asked if he could really come up with something even for one string? Niccolò brought her the military sonata “Napoleon,” written for one string, which did not fit into the framework of anything reasonable at all.

Rumors began to creep around Italy. They say that Paganini made an agreement with the devil himself, and in general his violin is covered with the writings of Satan. Well, an ordinary person, even the most talented one, cannot play like that! It certainly couldn't have happened without some kind of magic.

“When you look at him, listen to him, you involuntarily cry or laugh, you involuntarily think about something superhuman. He only has a violin and a bow in common with other violinists.”

Paganini violin

As the years passed, Niccolo began to feel oppressed by Elisa’s patronage. And he just ran away from her one day. Yes, at first it was not easy - after all, only Italy applauded him. The rest of the world didn't know him yet. But that was until a German journalist happened to be at his concert and... fame preceded him. And now he’s already on the threshold of world fame, when everything goes to hell.

A meeting with the 17-year-old tailor's daughter Angelina Cavanna became fatal for him - the girl really wanted to look at the musician and she was able to get to him behind the scenes. The amorous Paganini became interested in Angelina and even persuaded her to leave with him. Angelina became pregnant and the angry father went to court, accusing Paganini of kidnapping and raping his daughter.

Niccolò had to pay a large sum to the tailor after two years of litigation. And the child of Angelina and Niccolo lived only a few months.

Opera singer Antonia Bianchi helped Niccolo cope with everything that befell him. Perhaps they were very similar: both fell in love quickly and were flighty. Antonia was gentle and light, and Niccolo’s betrayals did not bother her at all - she had enough suitors.

Antonia gave birth to a son, Achilles, from Niccolo, when the musician was already 43 years old, and when the boy was three years old, the couple separated easily and without scandal. Antonia received a worthy compensation, and Paganini retained Achilles. He loved his son passionately and unconditionally, and parting with him for the sake of touring was a real torment for him.

Achilles Paganini

Achilles became a new start for Paganini: the composer took care of him, toured a lot, increased his fees, so that his son would not need anything. Niccolo became very wealthy.

And every concert of his was a revelation. Several times during the performance, the strings on the violin broke, but he continued to play. On two and even on one. The audience howled with delight, because what Paganini did still remained beyond the bounds of something human.

His acting remained brilliant, but Niccolo was unpleasant as a person. He is constantly dissatisfied with something, very stingy and these stories with his countless women...

One day, the rushing musician was lucky to meet Elena Dobenek on his way (she was Feuerbach’s daughter) - she was a very kind and humane woman. Having fallen in love with the genius with all her heart, she left her husband and began to go on tour with Niccolo, surrounded him with care during his next illness, and gave him tenderness and affection. But Paganini remained himself and abandoned Elena.

The woman suffered for a very long time from parting with her Nikko, and after his death she went to a monastery.

Paganini’s last “love” was Charlotte Watson, who at the time of their romance was only 17 years old, while the musician was 56. Again he was hit with accusations of violence and kidnapping, and Italy could no longer let her fellow countryman off the hook for all his scandalous relationships and dubious behavior. This time Niccolo paid off again, but his reputation was completely destroyed, which led to Niccolo leaving his homeland and living the rest of his life in France.

Paganini lived there for 10 years. Before his end, he was so seriously ill that he could not even hold the bow in his hands. And the musician’s only sincere love - his violin - was always next to him, on the bed.

Niccolo felt peace from the fact that he took care of his son as best he could. Yes, he was considered stingy, he never played at charity concerts, his fees were crazy, but Achilles still had a huge inheritance. In addition, the father bought the title of baron and it also passed to his son by inheritance.

Achilles received the title, half a million dollars, an estate in Parma and a unique collection of expensive musical instruments.

After Niccolo's death, the church forbade him to be buried in any cemetery in any city. In Italy there was no question of a funeral - everyone immediately remembered his supposed connection with the devil. The times were such that such things were taken seriously.

At the time of his father's death, Achilles was only 15 years old. The boy had to become an adult very quickly and put in a lot of effort, money and time so that the ashes of Niccolo Paganini were buried in Italy.

Achilles did not repeat his father's script - he was not afraid to love. They didn’t lock him in a closet for long hours, beating him for every wrong note. Achilles Paganini married early and became a father at the age of 19. And all his life he carefully preserved his father’s cultural heritage.

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