Half-forgotten celebrity couples whose romances seem like a joke today (13 photos)

3 June 2024

Celebrities often start relationships with each other. And this is always a big sensation for the paparazzi and journalists. And there are couples who, even if they break up, will always be a “couple” in the eyes of their fans. For example, Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck or Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. However, many have already forgotten about these Hollywood novels. And these couples today look somehow... strange. But, as they say, you can’t order your heart!

Britney Spears and Colin Farrell

For many years, celebrity romance was just a guess by fans and gossip by journalists. However, Britney recently admitted that she and Colin were still a couple. The singer mentioned this in her memoirs. According to Spears, the relationship with Farrell began in 2003 and lasted only a month.

Rachel McAdams and Michael Sheen

The celebrity romance lasted 3 years - from 2010 to 2013. The reason for the breakup was the lack of time for each other due to the constant filming of celebrities. Close couples were sure that Rachel and Michael’s separation was temporary and that the couple would soon get back together, but this never happened.

Nikki Reed and Pavel Priluchny

The first information about the relationship between two celebrities appeared back in 2009, when Pavel studied at the Moscow Art Theater. But, unfortunately, the romance of the stars was fleeting and lasted only a year. The young people separated due to the distance that separated them (despite the fact that they regularly visited each other). Nikki even offered to sign her lover in Las Vegas, but they were never able to get to this step.

You may know Nikki Reed from her role as Rosalie in Twilight.

Ryan Gosling and Sandra Bullock

The romance between the stars lasted about a year - from 2002 to 2003. The relationship between the already established actress Sandra Bullock and the young talent Ryan Gosling began during the filming of the detective thriller “Murder Countdown”. The difference between the lovers was 17 years. Celebrities hid the true reason for the breakup for a long time. However, they later admitted that it was a mutual decision “because of career.”

Courteney Cox and Michael Keaton

Courteney Cox and Michael Keaton were together for 6 years - from 1989 to 1995. The couple even planned to get married. But the couple had numerous disagreements, which led to separation.

Lenny Kravitz and Nicole Kidman

The celebrities were together for almost a year - from 2003 to 2004. A few years after the breakup, Kidman admitted that she and Kravitz were engaged.

Keira Knightley and Jamie Dornan

The couple was in a relationship for 2 years - from 2003 to 2005. The reason for the separation was the jealousy of Kira, who was having a hard time with Jamie’s development as an actor, because at the beginning of their relationship Dornan was a simple fashion model.

Macaulay Culkin and Mila Kunis

The couple's romance lasted 10 years - from 2002 to 2012. Kunis admits that she was the reason for the breakup.

I admit that I behaved like a complete fool. When we broke up, I realized that I just needed to figure myself out.

Sarah Jessica Parker and Robert Downey Jr.

The relationship of this couple lasted almost 7 years - from 1984 to 1991. The reason for the separation of the stars was Robert’s wild lifestyle. For Sarah Jessica, this relationship was a continuous struggle with Downey Jr.'s addictions. Robert himself, years later, repeatedly mentioned how much he respected Sarah.

Salma Hayek and Edward Norton

The couple's relationship lasted 4 years - from 1999 to 2003. The romance ended in separation due to the celebrities’ busy filming schedules and their lack of time for relationships.

Ryan Reynolds and Scarlett Johansson

Few people remember that Ryan is Scarlett's first husband. The couple got married in 2008, but their marriage lasted only 2 years. The actress herself, commenting on her relationship with Reynolds, speaks of her ex-husband exclusively in a positive way, and calls the reason for the divorce her unpreparedness for marriage, because when the couple got married, the actress was only 23 years old.

Cameron Diaz and Jared Leto

The celebrity romance was quite protracted and lasted from 1999 to 2003. Jared forbade Cameron from filming sex scenes, drinking alcohol, smoking, and even bought her an electric car so that she could move around the city in non-polluting transport.

The beginning of the end for the couple was Jared's jealousy - Cameron starred in the same film with Leonardo DiCaprio, spent a lot of time with the actor, which aroused suspicion among her lover. And when Diaz told Leto that she wanted children, he replied that he was not ready to sacrifice his career for the sake of his family.

Tom Cruise and Cher

The stars' romance began in 1985, when Cher was 38 and Tom was 22 years old. The relationship between the celebrities did not last long. Cher claims that she was put off by Tom's excessive interest in Scientology.

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