75 cm higher: a newly built house is in danger of demolition (3 photos)

3 June 2024

The homeowners filed an appeal, but it was rejected. Neighbors noted that they are not against the construction.

A four-bed house in the UK that has just finished construction may have to be demolished after it was built 75cm higher and in a slightly different position than was approved.

Plans for a residential building in Prestwich, England, were approved by the city council in 2018, but the enforcement process has now begun. According to the order, the house and all garden buildings must be demolished and permanently removed.

The owners lodged an appeal but it was rejected by the planning inspector on April 29, 2024, and the applicant, Martin Gerard Wright, now has just six months to demolish the house. In their enforcement notice, council officials claim the building has been moved forward by approximately 145cm and is therefore not in line with the position shown on the approved plans. But that's not all.

"The height of the building has been increased by approximately 75 cm and the front steps are not located in accordance with the approved plans. The south gable is not consistent as windows have been added at the first and second floor levels," the documents said.

Council officials added that the building constitutes an unauthorized development and is a significant breach of planning controls.

It is believed that the house is currently rented out. The current resident said he did not want to comment on the situation.

"It's a shame it got this far before action was taken. The council issued a bin citation for the house. Why would they do that if the house isn't up to code? I have no problem with the way it looks," the neighbor said. who asked not to be named.

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