Possibly from space: a man came across a heavy mysterious object in the forest (5 photos + 1 video)

3 June 2024

Justin Klontz is sure that no one heard the object fall due to the nature of the forest area.

Justin Klontz from the USA found a heavy mysterious object in a remote location, possibly coming from outer space.

The object has not yet been examined by aerospace experts, but its discovery has given many people pause. A Haywood County resident shared his story.

Justin Clontz, a groundskeeper, found the unusual item early last week on a remote trail on property owned by The Glamping Collective. The unidentified object is about three feet tall (almost a meter) and is so heavy that a worker had to tow it off the trail with a lawnmower. If the debris had not been so large, one would have assumed that someone had heard it fall to the ground, but this does not appear to have happened.

Klontz explained that after walking this far on this remote trail, it is difficult to hear anything in the forest, not even the incredibly loud landing.

“The chance of him landing is one in a million. Especially if he landed somewhere off the path in the forest, you would never find him, but he accidentally fell on the path,” explains the American.

The owner of Glamping Collective said he plans to contact aerospace experts to figure out what the find is, where it came from and how it ended up on the trail at this site.

The publication notes that singed carbon fiber litters the surface, as well as heavy-duty pieces and plates of metal. All this is held together, it seems, by thick bolts. Until this object is identified by aviation experts, it remains a mystery.

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