A Shiba Inu named Kabosu, who became a symbol of the Doge meme and the Dogecoin cryptocurrency, has died (5 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
24 May 2024

A Shiba Inu lived to be 18.5 years old - a new world record.

At the beginning of May, the pet was already in a very serious condition - she could not walk on her own and moved with the help of a special stroller.

The legendary Shiba Inu meme dog named Kabosu, who became an Internet celebrity and won the hearts of millions of Internet users, died at the age of 18.5 years.

Kabosu has reportedly been suffering from leukemia since December 2022. At the beginning of May, the pet was already in a very serious condition - she could not walk on her own and moved with the help of a special stroller for animals.

Dog memes became popular back in 2013. The famous animal even made it to number 12 on MTV's list of "50 Pop Culture Things We Should Thank Her for," and her image formed the basis of the Dogecoin cryptocurrency.

The second wave of popularity of the meme occurred in 2020. Almost everyone knows the picture “Jock Doge and Chims,” in which the strong Kabosu stood opposite another popular Internet symbol - the dog Chims.

In 2022, the dog became seriously ill, her owner Atsuko Sato spoke about this on social networks.

“She has now been diagnosed with liver disease and has jaundice, but antibiotics should help. Kabosu has an appetite, she can drink water,” Sato shared then.

The night before the dog died went as usual, she ate some rice and drank a lot of water. Farewell to her will take place on Sunday, May 26.

Kabosu lived in a loving family until the end of her life and forever went down in Internet history.


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