In Tatarstan, stall doors were cut off in school toilets to prevent children from cheating on the Unified State Exam (3 photos)

24 May 2024

Now the students are at a loss.

In the Tatarstan village of Bogatye Saby, the school administration decided to fight dishonest graduates who manage to cheat on the Unified State Exam by asking to go to the toilet. To prevent malicious violators from cheating, the school administration decided to shorten the toilet doors.

True, there can be no talk of any intimacy. For guys who are of average height, the toilet stall door barely reaches their waist, but for tall guys and girls there is no point in trying to visit the toilet at all. Graduates, who are already under stress right now, did not appreciate the open space toilet at all.

“Perhaps the booths will be comfortable for short girls, but definitely not for those taller than 160 cm. But how can children go there? It’s just terrible! At the exam point, conditions should be created for successful passing. But here everything has been done so that the child does not worry only about the exam, but also about their comfort,” said no less indignant parents.

School officials later said the height of the doors was acceptable. They are supposedly 1.4 m high from the floor, and the student in the photo simply stood on a hill, so it seems that everything is visible.

"In the Sabine Gymnasium, which is the examination site, the doors of the toilets were replaced. This replacement was made due to the fact that the hinges of the previous massive doors did not hold the structure and the doors often had to be repaired. At the same time, we inform you that photographs distributed on the Internet , do not correspond to reality. The child stood on something and was photographed,” reported the Ministry of Education of the Executive Committee of the Sabinsky District.

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