Explosion in temporarily occupied Lugansk

20 May 2024

A powerful explosion occurred in temporarily occupied Lugansk.

As Censor.NET reports, recordings published on social networks show a huge column of smoke above the epicenter of the explosion.

Let us remind you that in the cities and villages of the Luhansk region, which are located near the front and have been occupied by Russia since 2022, the invaders have turned off mobile communications and are installing payphones.

This was reported by the head of the regional military administration Artem Lysogor on Telegram.

“In the cities and villages occupied in 2022 near the front line, the Russians have long turned off mobile communications. The alternative is payphones, which they install on the streets of populated areas,” he noted.

In particular, 27 such payphones have already been operational in Severodonetsk, Lisichansk, Kremennaya and Sirotino.

“One for several thousand people. From them you can call numbers within one locality and try to call emergency services,” added Lysogor.

As reported, in the temporarily occupied Melitopol, the invaders installed equipment that allows them to listen to telephone conversations.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, in the occupied territories of Ukraine, the occupiers deployed and installed more than 2 thousand towers of Russian mobile networks.

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