A woman pulled her sister out of the mouth of a crocodile (8 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
16 May 2024

This happened in June 2021 in the Manialtepec lagoon in southern Mexico. The guide brought British tourists to a picturesque place and convinced them that swimming was safe. As Melissa Laurie was leaving the water, she was grabbed by a giant crocodile. Georgia rushed to save her twin sister.

Georgia jumped into the water and found Melissa unconscious, face down. Then the crocodile attacked the victim again, but Georgia fought off the reptile, hitting it on the nose several times with one hand and holding her sister’s head above the water with the other.

But the torment did not end there. In the last attack, the crocodile made a “death throw” - a maneuver in which the predator clamps its jaws on its prey and spins to drive it under water and drown it.

In response, the tourist dealt several more blows to the reptile, which forced her to let her sister go.

The British suffered serious injuries, but have since recovered, not counting the mental and physical scars.

Georgia Laurie will be awarded the Royal Medal for Bravery.

The 31-year-old admitted: "It's a great honour. I was shocked when I received the letter because I didn't expect it. I feel really privileged, it's a reminder that I went through a terrible ordeal... it kind of softens the traumatic experience." A joy not only for me but for the whole family. What made this story incredible was Melissa's unwavering courage because she was so strong and I don't think I would be here without her. She really gave me the strength to keep fighting."

Melissa had a compound fracture of her wrist and multiple wounds on her stomach and legs. As a result of the injuries, sepsis developed and she was put into an artificial coma. And Georgia was bitten on the hand by a crocodile.

The sisters spoke about the attack.

"I saw the outline of his head above the water and his eyes. At that moment he was completely motionless. I realized that we were in trouble. I screamed: “It's a crocodile, we must return to the shore immediately!” My heartbeat increased. I was so scared "Melissa recalls.

That's when the crocodile grabbed the woman.

“Various thoughts were running through my head. I thought that I would never see my family, my sister again. She would have to deal with delivering my body back to the UK. Then I lost consciousness.”

When the crocodile grabbed Melissa's left leg again, Georgia started punching him in the nose: "I had to fight him off, I started punching him with both fists, just pounding him. It felt like punching a wall. It seemed like the attack went on forever. I didn't I know how long this went on. I was afraid that he would come back, and then we would both be dead."

"When I realized Melissa wasn't responding, I thought, 'I want to die.' I don't want to live anymore."

A rescue boat arrived at the scene and the victims were lifted on board. There was blood everywhere and Melissa was vomiting blood and dirty water.

She says: "I remember screaming, 'Hold me, hold me.' At that moment I knew I was dying and I just wanted to be in Georgia's arms."

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