In Namibia, a hippopotamus attacked a boat with tourists (4 photos + 1 video)
On March 22, during a boat excursion on the Chobe River, a group of tourists came close to the wildlife of Namibia. The huge hippopotamus felt threatened and chased the boat to drive it away from its herd. Showed well who's boss...
The boat approached the herd of hippos at a “safe distance” - and suddenly one of the males separated from the herd and attacked it. It opened its mouth and bit the outboard motor several times with its huge jaws.
The skipper tried to quickly rectify the situation, but the boat found itself in shallow water and at the mercy of a huge, angry animal. The hippopotamus was shredding the outboard motor, leaving cracks in the plastic casing.

It was scary. Jackie Boshoff, one of those who was on board at that moment, says she simply could not believe what was happening.
“The boat approached the herd the way our captain always does, and he has been sailing in these places for more than 13 years,” she said. “Sometimes these groups of hippos can be aggressive, but the captain is always alert and monitors such behavior. We were quiet on the boat, did not make any noise, the engine was turned off while we approached the animals at a safe distance. And suddenly one male, for no apparent reason, began to chase the boat.”

“When our captain realized there was a potential collision with an animal, he turned the boat around and began to sail away. But because he was watching the hippopotamus and not the front of the boat, we went into shallow water and the propeller got stuck in the mud. Only later, when we watched the video, did we see that a baby was swimming behind the male hippo who had attacked us. He could be very small, and the older one was simply protecting his offspring.”

Jackie noted that everyone on board remained calm and were lucky that no one panicked. She admitted that the experience was unexpected and shocking for her: “You hear and read about such things, but you never think that this could happen to you.”