Border guards eliminated two invaders and wounded another in the Kupyansk direction

1 May 2024
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Ukrainian border guards are holding defense in the Kupyansky direction of the Kharkov region. Thus, aerial reconnaissance and mortarmen of the "Revenge" brigade eliminated two invaders and wounded another. This video was published by the State Border Guard Service in its Telegram channel, Censor.NET reports.

Let us remind you that we previously wrote about how border guard artillerymen hit an enemy armored vehicle and destroyed it. Then, after the hit, the body of one of the invaders flew high and flew several tens of meters from the hit site.
The situation in the Kupyansky direction

According to the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on April 27, in the Kupyansk direction the enemy attacked 10 times in the areas of the settlements of Kislovka and Berestovo, Kharkov region. Earlier it became known that the occupiers had reduced their offensive activity in the Kupyansk-Liman direction - this may be due to the fact that the enemy is transferring its units from there.

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