Successful assault on enemy positions by soldiers of the 110th battalion of the 111th TRO brigade in the Chasovoy Yar area

21 April 2024
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Yesterday, April 19, soldiers of the 110th separate battalion of the 111th TRO brigade carried out a successful assault on positions previously lost by another unit in the Chasovoy Yar area of the Donetsk region.

Ukrainian Armed Forces soldier Alexey German writes about this on Facebook, Censor.NET reports.

“Result: 12 ktsp (Katsapov - Ed.) - they were barred, 1 officer and two ktsp were taken prisoner. The positions are under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” he notes.

“It all depends on the training of the fighters and the commander. For the command center it is very inconvenient to reach Chasovy Yar if there are powerful reinforcements, bk. With a 100% probability it will be possible to push them back to the previous lines. I forgot the main thing: in our unit, according to the results of the assault, only 2- 300 - lungs. I wish the guys a speedy recovery,” adds German.

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